Welcome to Antarctic Marine LTD, your premier destination for high-quality ship spare parts and power generation solutions. With expertise spanning all types of vessels, offshore and onshore platforms, and power plants, we specialize in delivering reliable and efficient solutions tailored to meet the diverse

Service for Vessels:
At Antarctic Marine LTD, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive service solutions for all types of vessels, including commercial ships, naval vessels, and specialized craft. With over a decade of experience, we offer a vast range of genuine and OEM spare parts for engines, generators, propulsion systems, and more, ensuring the smooth and uninterrupted operation of your fleet. Our team of experts is committed to delivering personalized service, timely delivery, and technical support to meet your vessel's specific needs and challenges.

Offshore and Onshore Platforms:
Antarctic Marine LTD is your trusted partner for supplying spare parts and solutions for offshore and onshore platforms, including drilling rigs, production platforms, and refineries. With our extensive expertise in the maritime and energy sectors, we provide a comprehensive range of critical components, such as compressors, separators, pumps, and hydraulic systems, sourced from reputable manufacturers. Count on us for reliable service, timely delivery, and expert guidance to optimize the performance and safety of your offshore and onshore facilities.

Power Plants:
Experience superior solutions for your power generation needs with Antarctic Marine LTD. Whether your facility relies on heavy fuel oil (HFO), marine diesel oil (MDO), liquefied natural gas (LNG), or other fuels, we offer a wide selection of spare parts for power plant equipment, including turbines, boilers, pumps, and control systems. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive genuine and high-quality aftermarket parts, along with personalized service and technical support to enhance the efficiency and reliability of your power generation operations.